- For Attendees:
Eurographics 2013, the 34th Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics, will take place from May 6th to May 10th in Girona, Spain.
There will be several events co-located with Eurographics 2013. The list is not yet finished. Questions regarding the co-located events should be directed to the organizers of the specific event.
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The 13th EGPGV, the Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization will take place on May 4 - 5 in Girona, Catalonia, Spain. The importance of parallel computing is again increasing rapidly with the ubiquitous availability of multi-core CPUs, GPUs as well as cluster systems. Computationally demanding disciplines such as realistic 3D computer graphics and high-performance scientific visualization are strongly affected by this trend and require novel efficient parallel graphics and visualization solutions. EGPGV is the premier international event focusing on parallel graphics and visualization technology, where novel solutions exploiting and defining new trends in parallel hardware and software architectures are presented. The aim of the symposium is to strongly encourage exchange of experiences and knowledge in parallel and distributed visual computing and its application to all aspects of computer graphics and data visualization. All papers should have a direct relation to some aspect of parallelism in graphics or visualization such as multi-core computing, GPU rendering/computing, distributed systems, clusters or grid environments.
See the symposium web site (www.egpgv.org/egpgv2013) for details. |
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3DOR 2013 will take place as the 6th workshop in this series on May 11, 2013 in Girona (Spain), in conjunction with Eurographics 2013.
3D object representations have become an integral part of modern computer graphics applications, such as computer-aided design, game development and film production. At the same time, 3D data have become very common in various domains such as computer vision, computational geometry, molecular biology and medicine. The rapid evolution in graphics hardware and software, in particular the availability of low cost 3D scanners and modeling tools, has greatly facilitated 3D model acquisition, creation, and manipulation, giving the opportunity to a large user community to experience applications using 3D models. As the number of 3D models is growing rapidly, the problem of creating new 3D models has shifted to the problem of searching for existing 3D models. Thereupon, the development of efficient search mechanisms is required for the effective retrieval of 3D objects from large repositories. The aim of the 3DOR Workshop series is to stimulate researchers from different fields such as Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, Machine Learning and Human-Computer Interaction who work on the common goal of 3D object retrieval, to present state-of-the-art work in the field. This will provide a cross-fertilization ground that will stimulate discussions on the next steps in this important research area.
Co-located with the workshop will be SHREC'13, the 8th edition of the 3D Shape Retrieval Contest, the aim of which is to evaluate the effectiveness of 3D-shape retrieval algorithms. See the workshop web site (3dor2013.di.univr.it) for details. |
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UDMV, the 1st Eurographics Workshop on Urban Data Modelling and Visualisation, will take place on May 5, 2013 in Girona (Spain), in conjunction with Eurographics 2013.
The objective of the workshop is to discuss the modelling and visualisation of the city, and aims at sharing associated techniques, methods, uses and points of view. Managing and understanding urban data are major issues as there are represented by several kind of different data at different scales. Urban data not only embed the geometry of the city model, but also data related to human activities (eg. social data, transports) and to physical phenomenons (eg. light, wind, heat). Thus, the management of urban data becomes a huge challenge for current computing capabilities, specially considering all the sustainable development parameters related to architectural design, urban planning and urban climate studies; but also considering the specific needs of entertainment, cultural heritage or any domains using urban data. The issues found in urban data modelling and visualisation are shared by various domains (eg. Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Human-Computer Interface, GIS, and others) and are related to data quality, the complexity of the cities and the decision-making processes. See the workshop web site (udmv.udg.edu) for details. |
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BEAMING Project's meeting (open to all participants of EG2013) will take place as a sepecial session of EG2013, May 8 2013.
The famous 1960s TV series Star Trek popularised the notion of people instantaneously ‘beaming’ their physical bodies to remote places. The EU FP7 BEAMING project aims at the same idea, but where what is transported is digital information rather than atomic level constituents of a person’s body reconstructed at the destination. BEAMING has the concept of visitors who digitally beam to a remote destination, and who are able to interact with local people there. The equivalent of the Star Trek ‘transporter’ system is, in BEAMING, an advanced immersive virtual reality system, including full body real-time motion capture. The motion capture data is transmitted across the internet to control a representation of the visitor in the destination. The most high level representation of the visitor is as a physical humanoid life-sized robot, but also other virtual representations as avatars are possible. A fundamental idea is that locals should not have to wear any special equipment in order to see and interact with the representation of the visitor, but should be in their normal environment. The locals are tracked and information about their activity is streamed back to the visitor. The visitor in the transporter VR system will perceive either a real-time digital reconstruction of the remote environment, and the local people there, or see live 3D streamed video. The BEAMING project has developed a number of prototype applications including its use for virtual rehearsal for acting, immersive tele-journalism, a medical application, and a teaching application. In this special session at Eurographics 2013 we will present an overview of the project, followed by a description of advances in the technology including digital capture and display of the destination. There will also be presentations about the medical application, the overall software platform, and the work on robotics and haptics. For further information see: www.beaming-eu.org http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-18017745 http://www.frontiersin.org/Teleneurology/10.3389/fneur.2012.00110/abstract http://www.computer.org/csdl/mags/cg/2012/06/mcg2012060010-abs.html |