- Program:
Tuesday 7th, 17:20-18:20 in Tent
- Towards a Physically Plausible Constrained Shader Graph System for Predictive Rendering
Ivo Pavlík and Alexander Wilkie - A Sensor Based Approach to Outdoor Illumination Estimation for Augmented Reality Applications on Mobile Devices
João Barreira, Luís Magalhães, and Maximino Bessa - Poisson Image Analogy: Texture-Aware Seamless Cloning
Shin Yoshizawa and Hideo Yokota - Volume Ray Casting quality estimation in terms of Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio
Nikolay Gavrilov and V. Turlapov - Real-time Control and Stopping of Fluids
Károly Zsolnai and László Szirmay-Kalos - A Distributed and Collaborative vSLAM Framework for Real-Time Localisation in Huge Environments for Mobile Devices
Nagore Barrena, Jairo R. Sánchez, and Alejandro García-Alonso - Multi-Camera Acquisition and Placement Strategy for Displaying High-Resolution Images for Telepresence Systems
Tariqul Islam, Stephan Ohl, and Oliver Staadt - On Depth-testing Wide Outlines
László Szécsi, Balázs Hajagos, and Tamás Umenhoffer - Reverse Skew-T - A Cloudmaking Tool for CG
Leigh McLoughlin and Eike Falk Anderson - Time-variant Volumetric Colors for Metamorphosis
Oleg Fryazinov, Mathieu Sanchez, Valery Adzhiev and Alexander Pasko - Using Webcams for Product Presentations in HTML5
Mathias Borg and Martin Kraus - Automatic Convergence Adjustment for Stereoscopy using Eye Tracking
Martin Fisker, Kristoffer Gram, Kasper Kronborg Thomsen, Dimitra Vasilarou, and Martin Kraus